On 10 Feb 2012, at 11:47am, Sreekumar TP wrote:

> I have a 'database is locked' issued which can be reproduced as follows.
> I have two applications opening the database in WAL mode. The threading
> mode is SERIALIZED.  Environment is  PC/Linux.
> Step1: Launch App1 followed by App 2 ( same executables)
> Step 2: App1 Prepares a SELECT statement and executes the statement.
> Step 3: The statement is not reset and finalized.
> Step 4: App1 wait on keyboard input
> Step 5 : App2 prepares a statement to update a few records. The statement
> is  executed, reset and finalized
> Step 6: Go back to App1, prepare an UPDATE/INSERT statement and execute it.

Sreekumar, imagine what would happen if two users both got to step 4 at the 
same point at the same time.  There are no circumstances under which either of 
them could proceed.  Whichever of them tried to proceed would invalidate the 
SELECT that the other one was still in the middle of.

When writing your software, imagine that the database is locked from the 
'execute' until you have done the 'finalize'.  You want to do the finalize as 
soon as possible, to unlock the database for other users.  You can't wait for a 
user to type something: their phone might ring or something.

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