On 2/21/12, Andrew Barnes <andyrbar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> You need to study the ALTER TABLE statement and its limitations.
> SQLLite uses dynamic typing so you can put data of any type into any column.

Modification of the table structure might not be necessary in this
case, but in a general case, SQLite's ALTER TABLE command is very
limited.  One solution is to use a database administration tool that
supports a more full-featured table modification capability.  I use
SQLite Studio (http://sqlitestudio.one.pl) -- there are probably
others.  It allows removing and creating primary keys, foreign keys,
and many, many other table modifications that ALTER TABLE does not.  I
assume that "under the hood" it's building a new table and copying the
data from the old one, but all that's seamless to you.  It's made my
life a lot easier.

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