On 03/29/2012 06:27 PM, Joe Bennett wrote:
> Hi,
> I have three sqlite3 datbases that currently have no primary key (actually
> done with two and stuck on the third). I am converting them to 'new' tables
> with a primary key like so:
> create table if not exists new_table
>  (Column_1,Column_2,Column_3......,Column_47, primary key(Column_1,
> Column_27, Column_47))
> Now, when I insert the data from old_table into new_table, I get the error
> message 'columns Column_1,Column_27,Column_47 are not unique' using this
> syntax:
> insert into new_table (Column_1,Column_2,Column_3......,Column_47) select *
> from old_table

You can use:
insert or ignore into new_table...
insert or replace into new_table...

and later find a match with "select" which data didn't get into the new
table, if they are important.


> That's OK, shame on me for not checking that prior to the insert... Now, I
> am using this syntax to find the dupes and remove them:
> select rowid, Column_1,Column_27,Column_47,count(*)
> from old_table
> group by Column_1,Column_27,Column_47
> having count(*) > 1
> No rows meet this criteria... So, I'm looking for a better way to find the
> non unique data in the old_table so I can clear this error and insert it
> into the new table... Any ideas?
> -Joe
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