On Apr 16, 2012, at 5:04 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:

> On 16 Apr 2012, at 10:31pm, Peter Aronson <pbaron...@att.net> wrote:
>> You might want to look at the book Temporal Data and the Relational Model by 
>> Date, Darwin and Lorentzos, which goes into the subject in fairly great 
>> detail.  
>> There are subtleties.
> Doctor Darwen teaches this as a course.  You might like to read the free 
> detailed course notes here:
> <http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~hugh/TTM/TemporalData.Warwick.pdf>
> Unfortunately he uses terms aimed at an academic mathematical understanding 
> of attributes (relvars), which are difficult to understand if you're just a 
> programmer at the rock face.  What it comes down to is that if the only data 
> you have is the result of SQL commands you don't have enough data to 
> understand the facts implicit in the contents of your tables.
> I urge again the different approach I mentioned earlier.  Forget keeping the 
> data, and instead keep the commands used to change the data.  That way, 
> instead of keeping the /results/ of your SQL commands, you're keeping the 
> commands yourself, which is rawer (more raw ?) data, and therefore more 
> faithful to what you know, rather than what you're trying to deduce.

I absolutely don't get any of the above. Why is "keeping the data" worse than 
keeping the commands? I am not even sure what is a command vs. what is a data. 
A SQL command has data embedded in it. I mean, if I have

        UPDATE t 
        SET name = 'foo', val = 3.1415
        WHERE id = 22;

which part was the command and which part was the data? 

Why is just making a copy of the existing row with id = 22 and then modifying 
the copy not good enough? I don't have to deduce anything. All I have to do is 
make a copy of any row that is "more than a trivial update". Theoretically I 
could do that with every single table, and if the id didn't change (assuming I 
had a PK that was different from the id, say, a composite PK), then I could 
reconstruct exact queries easily.

> Whether you are keeping copies of the rows in the table, or timestamping SQL 
> commands, I suggest that for SQLite your timestamps should be unixepoch 
> stored as a REAL rather than a text expression of seconds.

Yes, that is a useful advice.


Puneet Kishor

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