On 4 May 2012, at 4:02pm, peter korinis <kori...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Sqlitespy looks good ... I will try it. 
> website says download contains sqlite itself, which I already have - will
> there be a problem using ...spy with existing sqlite?

SQLite is not a single library which has to live somewhere on your computer.  
It is C code which each programmer includes in their program.  You can have 
twenty programs on your disk, each using a different version of SQLite, without 

> I was trying to use sqlite3 CLI cmd ".import testfile.txt test_tbl;" to load
> a 999x46 comma-delimited file into a previously created empty table with 46
> col. (if this works I will load two 22M row x 46 col csv files into that
> table.) does this cmd work this way or must I create INSERT statements to do
> 999 inserts (later 44M inserts)?

Semicolons are needed at the end of SQL commands.  You don't want them at the 
end of commands which start with a dot.  Apart from that you have something 
worth trying.  Why not make a tiny test case with three lines of two columns 
before you get started with the 46-column monster ?

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