For those who missed the notice about Richard's visit the first time around:

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> * User preferences stored in a cookie

Adding persistent user preferences on top of Fossil's JSON API would be (A)
really easy and (B) allow the preferences to be of near-arbitrary
complexity. e.g. it could be used to periodically store drafts of a wysiwyg
editing session (in addition to any user-specific repo-level config
options). Alternately/additionally, "session" support (storage valid as
long as the login token) would be really easy to add.

> The above list will likely grow.  So if you are planning to be in the
> Munich area on July 3 please stop by   Contact Stephen Beal for information
> on the venue.

Those who "register" with me will get details on when/where, once those are
finalized (the Where is decided, the exact When not so much).

> If this code sprint works out - if people show interest and useful work
> gets done - then I'll be happy to have follow-ups in other locations and on
> other continents.

But those visiting this first time around will always be able to say, "we
saw him before he was famous!" ;)

Happy Hacking!

----- stephan beal
sqlite-users mailing list

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