On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Dennis Volodomanov <i...@psunrise.com> wrote:
> On 22/06/2012 1:37 AM, Dennis Volodomanov wrote:
>> On 22/06/2012 1:29 AM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>>> Do you have mutex surrounding statement execution in these threads? You
>>> should use it or compile with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1. Pavel
>> No, I don't have mutexes for those, as I assumed that THREADSAFE=2 would
>> protect them. I'm not clear about the exact difference between 1 and 2,
>> having read the docs a few times.
> Just to add on to this, each thread opens up its own database connection
> (sqlite3_open_v2), so no threads are sharing sqlite3 handles.

Then it should be okay to do such queries concurrently.

So you are saying that two SELECTs you initially showed us give
contradicting results from your application and work as expected from
sqlite3 shell, right? The only ideas I have left to try are execute
"pragma integrity_check" on this database and try to compile without

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