On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 10:18 PM, Dennis Volodomanov <i...@psunrise.com> wrote:
> It does raise an interesting question though - how is this handled in SQLite
> internally? When there are two writers, both writing to the same DB (WAL
> mode) and one of them crashes before reaching a checkpoint, will the second
> writer pick up on that and checkpoint correctly? To put it simply - are
> checkpoints DB-specific or application-specific?

AFAIK, checkpoints are application-specific, but SQLite prohibits
second writer until first one committed its transaction and released
database lock. So there can't be such thing as "two writers, both
writing to the same DB". If one writer writes, another one is locked
out and waits. And btw checkpoint cannot be completed if there are
some application with transactions that started before last commit to
the database was made. Although partial checkpoint is possible in such

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