On 30/06/2012 7:47 PM, Marcus Grimm wrote:
Here is another theory:

Maybe you run into an issue with Windows 7 Virtualization,
I did run into a similar effect with the registry access/write
sometime go - mainly with Windows 7 Home Editions,
by reading this:

It suggests that something similar can also apply on files in
certain programdata folders.

I think you just nailed it! From that link, Scenario 4 - I go into that Virtual folder and lo and behold - there's only file there and it's my app's database! I've killed that and then tried the usual sqlite shell routine and it's all back to normal (e.g. there is no data in the database file, which is all correct). Wow :)

Thank you for solving this and hopefully this helps someone in the future facing the same problem - if you are using Windows 7 (Ultimate in my case) and you see a file which shouldn't be there, check the link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927387/EN-US and see if any of the scenarios listed there apply to you.


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