Due to hardware problems with my Debian Stable server, I have just upgraded to Ubuntu-Server 12.04.

I have installed sqlite3 and when I ask it the version (with .version) it replies
SQLite 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41 c7c6050ef060877ebe77b41d959e9df13f8c9b5e

Which exactly complies with the sqlite web site for this release.

Sometime ago I reported a problem with 3.7.10 referenced here http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/b7c8682cc1

Using the same database (which I would prefer not to publish because its full of personal financial information - I already gave Richard Hipp a randomised copy in respect of the last bug) I have experienced a problem shown below. I am not sure this is the same problem as before (its very similar) but that was reported as being introduced with changes introduced in 3.7.10

select c.id,c.type,c.description,sum(t.dfamount) AS tamount FROM dfxaction as t, account as a,code AS c WHERE c.type = 'C' and a.domain = 'Hartley' AND ((t.src = a.name and t.srccode = c.id) ) GROUP BY c.id;

Produces output, where as

select c.id,c.type,c.description,sum(t.dfamount) AS tamount FROM dfxaction as t, account as a,code AS c WHERE c.type = 'C' and a.domain = 'Hartley' AND ((t.src = a.name and t.srccode = c.id) OR (t.dst = a.name and t.dstcode = c.id )) GROUP BY c.id;

does not even though ONLY added an OR clause within a bracketed AND clause

Just to confuse the issue dfxaction (but not the other tables) is a view - defined as below (and I think this is where the similarity to the other bug comes in). If I replace that with xaction (the real table its based on) then the second select above does produce expected output.

CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst, dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,
            WHEN t.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.amount
WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.srcamount WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.dstamount ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS INTEGER)
        END AS dfamount
        xaction AS t
        LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
        LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
        LEFT JOIN currency ON
            t.currency != 'GBP' AND
            (t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != 'GBP') AND
            (t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != 'GBP') AND
            t.currency = currency.name;

ALSO just to confirm - I repeated the same experiment on sqlite3 version 3.7.13 (Debian unstable version) and the second query performs perfectly

I am mentioning this here because the earlier bug was supposed to have been caused by a change made by 3.7.10, whereas this is 3.7.9 and given its the version of choice in ubuntu it might be better to clarify whether there is a problem there or not.

Alan Chandler

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