Hi Simon

thanks for your prompt reply

answers for the below

1. The database is written by a single process who has an EXCLUSIVE LOCK

2. Only AFTER all data is being written, costumer can access it (read mode)

3. potentially, it is a single writer followed by multiple readers kind of flow

4. For the problem described we had also a single reader.

5. hence, I hardly think that this is a concurrency issue

6. the OS is linux in 64 bits mode

7. file system is NFS.

8. so, user launches an execution via local DRM (LSF i think) and from
a remote machine is a DB is generated, after DB is generated another
execution is launched and another remote machine access it in a read
mode and some "SELECT..." queries are used, then the corruption error

>* Answering your question below,*>* *>* yes , I believe  that the costumer is 
>using network*
You can read section 6.0 of


to learn some of the problems involved.  If you need any further help
from us then I'm sorry but we have more questions:

Which network file protocol is being used.  NFS ?  SMB ?

What OS are all the computers involved running ?

Are all accesses across a network or is one app accessing the file as
a local file and the other accessing it across the network ?
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