On Saturday, 01 September, 2012, at 20:28 Ted Rolle, Jr. wrote:

> This is so true!

> Remember Y2K?  That was caused by a three-letter blue company.  They
> wanted to save 1 (one!) byte by not storing the century in critical
> operating system fields.  The comments were (1960s) "Well, we won't be
> around to fix it...wink, wink, nudge, nudge."  I was.  Most companies
> got through it with few problems --- a tribute to the programming staff.

Insistence on using two-digit years survived up to the early 90's, and the 
Operating System wasn't the problem really the problem.  The real problem was 
applications and data being and manipulated and stored "century-free", by 
people who ought to have known better.  This still persists today with people 
who insist in recording and displaying dates in formats such as 06/07/02.  Does 
this mean 06 July xx02; June 7, xx02; or 2 July xx06 (with guess-the-century).

The next most disgusting behaviour is failure (or rather refusal) to display 
timezones.  Extremely annoying are those folks who store datetime in localized 
time rather than storing in UT1 and converting on input/output.

> On 09/01/2012 07:51 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:

>> On 1 Sep 2012, at 11:34pm, "Ted Rolle, Jr." <ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> Back in the olden days we predicted a database's storage to be about 5
>>> times the size of the data.
>>> By 'olden' I mean IBM's IMS, VSAM, DB2. ..., 70s, 80s.

>> Back in the old days you had 72 or 80 columns to a punched card, and any
>> columns you didn't use were wasted.  You could double your database
>> capacity/speed/cost by saving one bit per record.

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