On 16-09-2012 18:21, Marcus Ilgner wrote:
On So, 2012-09-16 at 17:17 +0100, John Clegg wrote:
I have a table Members with 896 rows and a text field "Year2012". It
contains "Paid" 156 times, "Comp" 13 times and the rest are null (confirmed
in sqlitebrowser as "empty")

Back in the olden days when this table was in Access, select
count("Year2013") from Members used to return 169. In LibreOfiice with the
data stored in embedded HSQL it returns 169. In LibreOffice connecting to
sqlite3 it returns 896.

Any ideas please?

You're probably looking for something like
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Members WHERE Year2012='Paid'
or maybe even
SELECT Year2012, COUNT(*) FROM Members GROUP BY Year2012

SELECT count(*) FROM Members where Year2012 IS NOT NULL;

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