As a side note: I've compiled some performance data and published them as
an article on my blog:

Do these result seem to be ok?

- Sebastian

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Olaf Schmidt <> wrote:

> Am 24.09.2012 11:26, schrieb Sebastian Krysmanski:
>> Ok, I tried that. It definitely improves performance when using a lot
>> threads (15+)...
> So I take it, that your last posted result here was using a
> shared cache (in case of the multiple connections):
>  ------------------------------**------------------------------**------
>> SELECT_COUNT: 133,333
>> Testing with one connection (ReadWrite) and filled table...
>> Elapsed: 12.3 s  (162,647.6 stmt/sec)
>> Testing with multiple connections (ReadWrite) and filled table...
>> Elapsed: 12.7 s  (157,324.1 stmt/sec)
> Whilst the following result (from an earlier of your replies),
> was not using a shared cache (instead using separate caches
> per thread in case of the multiple connections):
> > ------------------------------**------------------------------**------
> > SELECT_COUNT: 133,333
> > Testing with one connections (ReadWrite) and filled table...
> > Elapsed: 9.5 s
> > Testing with multiple connections (ReadWrite) and filled table...
> > Elapsed: 51.2 s
> Possible things which could explain that (because it differs from
> my results considerably) are potentially:
> 1. the setting for: PRAGMA read_uncommitted
> 2. the implementation of the Busy-Handler
> Ok, just looking what my settings were for case 1...
> and 'PRAGMA read_uncommitted' was at Zero, so this case
> can be dumped I think.
> So I suspect the latter case ...
> Which Busy-Handler do you use, the built-in one?
> called up per: sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, int ms)
> Or your own implementation?
> In my own BusyHandler (I'm dealing only with Windows here)
> my first (few) "wait-fast" calls in the Busy-WaitLoop are always:
> Sleep 0
> which according to the MSDN:
> >**us/library/windows/desktop/**
> ms686298(v=vs.85).aspx<>
> "relinquishs the remainder of the threads timeslice", but
> will try to return as soon as possible in this case.
> So, if you implement your own Handler (for Windows),
> calling Sleep 0 first (a few times) may worth a try,
> so that you give the pausing thread the chance, to
> take up its work much earlier, in case the cause for
> the blocking was only a really short one (on some
> other thread).
> Also worth noting in this regard is, that the TimeSlice for
> low values as e.g.
> Sleep 1
> doesn't (always) send the thread sleeping for "exactly" 1 msec -
> the time until the thread resumes its work depends in this
> case (for such low values) on the settings which were
> (only potentially) performed earlier with timeSetEvent...
> By default Windows has a "Tick-Interval" of about 12-15msec
> (as the minimum-sleep-time for millisec-values > 0).
> But this "Tick-Interval-granularity" is explained also in
> the 'Remarks'-section of the MSDN-page for Sleep().
> Olaf
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