Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> What is the proper default escape sequence to be used for GLOB
> pattern matching in SQLite ?

There are different escape mechanisms for different characters.
A comment hidden in the source code explains:
| Globbing rules:
|      '*'       Matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
|      '?'       Matches exactly one character.
|     [...]      Matches one character from the enclosed list of
|                characters.
|     [^...]     Matches one character not in the enclosed list.
| With the [...] and [^...] matching, a ']' character can be included
| in the list by making it the first character after '[' or '^'.  A
| range of characters can be specified using '-'.  Example:
| "[a-z]" matches any single lower-case letter.  To match a '-', make
| it the last character in the list.
| [...]
| Hints: to match '*' or '?', put them in "[]".  Like this:
|         abc[*]xyz        Matches "abc*xyz" only

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