On 15 Nov 2012, at 4:13pm, Charlie Lewis <charlie.le...@honest-it.com> wrote:

> HomeBase appears to create an SQLite database, in this case
> homebase.sqlite.db. I'd like to be able to interrogate this database from a
> Search page, and display results for the user.
> So, where do I start? I'd appreciate any guidance you can give.

First, you might like to contact the publishers of that software and ask.  They 
may already have tools, and API, or other help for doing this.

Second, there's a standard shell tool you can download from the SQLite site.  
Look in the sections called 'Precompiled Binaries' on this page for download


and here on how to use it


Third, the writers of that software may have chosen to encrypt their database 
in which case you won't be able to read it.

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