On 17 Nov 2012, at 1:29pm, ZikO <ze...@op.pl> wrote:

> I have a slight problem with sqlite and its text encoding. I read from
> documents that sqlite handles UTF-8 by using a command PRAGMA encoding =
> "UTF-8"; etc. My database is to store Polish text. The database is going to
> be used with Qt later on. I have a script with two commands: CREATE TABLE
> ... and INSERT INTO ... This file is encoded in UTF-8. However, when I build
> and fill database via a command *sqlite3 myname.db < the_file.sql*, I create
> both database and the table but all specific characters such as ą, ć, ź, Ż
> etc. are automatically converted into a, c, z, Z etc.

Try using the SQLite shell tool by typing instead of by putting your text into 
text files.  Type exactly the same things into it as you put in the text file.  
Does it work properly when you do this ?

Your problem is usually to do with the readline() command which the shell tool 
calls.  Depending on what operating system you're using, this does different 
things.  Which operating system are you using, and where did you get the 
version of the shell tool you're using ?

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