On 25 Nov 2012, at 11:30pm, "Jay A. Kreibich" <j...@kreibi.ch> wrote:

> If you view an index as an optimization, then the idea 
>  is usually to increase overall performance, so that there is net win. [snip]
>  I disagree with this idea, as it implies there is a 1:1 exchange in
>  read performance gains and write performance loss.

To enlarge upon Jay's monotribe, I'll put these two together.  Optimization of 
a system sometimes doesn't mean optimizing /net/ performance, it means speeding 
things up when time matters.  I once got an ovation from a roomfull of staff by 
deleting a couple of indexes, not adding them.  Because they spent most of 
their time entering data, but reports were generated by other people they never 
met and didn't care about. My changes reduced a two-second pause after hitting 
'send' to half a second, massively reducing false keystrokes.

The report-needing people, on the other hand didn't care.  It already took the 
system 30 minutes to generate the reports: they pressed the button and came 
back an hour later.  Changing the 30 minutes to 50 minutes didn't impact their 
workflow badly.  Out of courtesy I explained why the end-of-day reports were 
taking longer and nobody complained.  (By the way this sort of thing is why 
banks used to close to customers at 3:30pm even though the staff still worked 
until 5pm.)

This was decades ago on a pre-SQL system.  One thing I like about SQL is that 
the language used to change and consult the database doesn't say anything about 
indexes (except in some non-standard extensions).  So you can add or delete 
indexes when you want without needing to change a line of code in any of your 
software and having to deploy new versions of your software.  [insert dramatic 
evil genius music here]

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