Sorry - generally the sorts will be on one column - but they may choose at
a later time to sort by another column. They will (but rarely - sort by two
or more columns at the same time).

On 26 November 2012 14:20, Clemens Ladisch <> wrote:

> Paul Sanderson wrote:
> > My software creates a large table containing anything between about 250K
> > and Millions of rows when first run, the indexes are created immediately
> > after the table is populated and the tables do not change afterwards.
> >
> > The reason for the indexes is that the data is then reviewed by a user
> and
> > each user will have a different end result in mind and so will be looking
> > at (lots of) different subsets of the data but will want pretty much
> > instant results, i.e. a few seconds not minutes. I have no idea which
> > columns, other than a few of the main columns, that they will need to do
> > selects and sorts on.
> If they can doing sorts on more than one column, you need indexes for
> all combinations of those columns.  (For n columns, that's "only" n!
> combinations.  Database size might become an issue ...)
> > The size of the database is never an issue. Memory is unlikely to be an
> > issue. The initial processing time (data loading and indexing) is not an
> > issue.
> Then why not creating covering indexes for every combination of sort
> columns?  (This is essentially the same as creating lots of sorted
> copies of the table.)
> Regards,
> Clemens
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