>From: Gilles Ganault <gilles.gana...@free.fr>

>On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 13:37:45 +0000, Simon Slavin
<slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>Use the free SQLite shell tool downloadable from the SQLite site.
>Write your own interface in PHP using the sqlite3 interface which does exactly 
>what you want.

>Thanks but before I build my own, I wanted to check that no one had
>already built a Windows application with SQLite embedded, available
>either as free- or share-ware.

It is a bit heavy, and not really what I think you are after, but you might 
want to look at Kexi (http://www.kexi-project.org/) It attempts to be an open 
source replacement for Access. It has the simpler bits of Access, but doesn't 
have VBA, which is a deal breaker for me.

OpenOffice / LibreOffice has a built in database tool, including a spreadsheet 
like interface. I believe it can be set up to use an sqlite database for its 
back end. Frankly I could never get it to work for me.

I asked something similar years ago, and I believe D.R. Hipps pointed me at a 
TCL spreadsheet widget that connected directly to Sqlite, but I don't recall 
its exact name. You would have to install TCL to use it.

Hope that helps.


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