Ok, but where are the large number of tools that would do that?

- very fast, very basic spreadsheet (not based on Excel or
- saves data in SQLite
- very easy to create new tables + columns
- lets the user edit rows/columns as easily as in Excel
- data can be sorted by any column
- access to SQL a plus, but must not be required, as the app is meant
to non-techies

Either use a full-blown SQLite DB manager (e.g. the free version of SQLite Expert among others) or develop a simple script based on an ad-hoc ListView and SQLite functions using something like AutoIt.

In the latter case it can be tailored exactly to your needs, hiding everything too tech-savvy yet giving you full control of how the application would evolve.

Can be made in a couple of hours with AutoIt, providing a stand-alone executable freely distributable and for free.

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