On Sat, 08 Dec 2012 23:30:09 +0100, Jean-Christophe Deschamps
<j...@antichoc.net> wrote:
>Either use a full-blown SQLite DB manager (e.g. the free version of 
>SQLite Expert among others) or develop a simple script based on an 
>ad-hoc ListView and SQLite functions using something like AutoIt.
>In the latter case it can be tailored exactly to your needs, hiding 
>everything too tech-savvy yet giving you full control of how the 
>application would evolve.
>Can be made in a couple of hours with AutoIt, providing a stand-alone 
>executable freely distributable and for free.

Thanks, but I was not looking for a hack, but rather an actual
application meant for regular people.

Let's see.

100.000 licenses @ $20 = $2.000.000

Cayman S = $65.000

=> 30 cars.

Kim Dotcom! :-)

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