Hey Everyone,

 I am a fairly new user of sqlite, but not particularly new to SQL principles.  
I am developing an application that will run on a low end system.
Not quite embedded, but not quite a PC.  In my application, I do frequent table 
deletes.  My results have been poor, and I am looking for someone to tell me 
"I'm doing it wrong", or maybe "that's the best you're going to get", etc.

Anyway, my table is create as such:

create table trip (
        key integer primary key, 
        vin varchar(17), 
        ts int, 
        cur_time int, 
        caps varchar(20), 
        cmdid int, 
        value real, 
        longitude real, 
        latitude real);

create index ivin on trip (vin); 
create index icaps on trip (caps); 
create index icur_time on trip (cur_time);

sqlite> .indices

I understand that a primary key index is created automatically, so it won't be 
listed here.

Now, I can execute a queries very quickly:
time sqlite3 trip.db 'select count(*) from trip where key<=1400'

real    0m0.026s
user    0m0.020s
sys     0m0.000s
Notice there are only 200 rows that match this query!
time sqlite3 trip.db 'select * from trip where key<=1400'
real    0m0.205s
user    0m0.030s
sys     0m0.070s
200ms is not bad. 
time sqlite3 trip.db 'delete from trip where key<=1400'

real    0m1.532s
user    0m0.050s
sys     0m0.020s
The deletion takes 1.5 seconds.  This is actually fast, it usually takes closer 
2 seconds.

Any thoughts on why this may be so slow, or what I can do to improve it?



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