On Tue, 12 Mar 2013 19:57:26 +0000
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> > Is my rewrite the same as the original?
> No.  You can't use this construction:
> > INNER JOIN (Categories INNER JOIN Object_Categories ON
> > "Categories"."Category_ID"="Object_Categories"."Category_ID")
> The parser expects a table name immediately after INNER JOIN.
> Instead you are opening a bracket which is the way one would begin an
> expression.

That construction is perfectly valid except for one detail that Hugh
Darwen calls the TEETH_GNASHER.  

sqlite> .tables
sqlite> create table t (t int primary key);
sqlite> insert into t values (1);
sqlite> insert into t values (2);
sqlite> insert into t values (3);
sqlite> select * from t inner join (select min(t) from t) as T;
t           min(t)    
----------  ----------
1           1         
2           1         
3           1         

The table expression requires a name, even if the name isn't referenced
elsewhere in the query.  Of course, to get a correct result, the above
query needs a few corrections:

sqlite> select * from t as a 
        join (select min(t) as t from t) as T 
        on a.t = T.t; 
t           t         
----------  ----------
1           1         

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