On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 17:46:17 -0400,
<larrygauth...@charter.net> wrote:
>I installed slqite, its sqlite3 command line interface, and a GUI admin 
>console. Have built and populated a couple of databases. But what I really 
>want to do is to connect to sqlite databases from Visual Studio 2012 using 
>Visual Basic.
>Downloaded and installed the SourceForge System.Data.SQLite adaptor... now 
>what?  Is there a set of instructions somewhere for Creating a VS/VB 2012 
>project, creating a windows form, and enabling an ADO.NET adaptor to sqlite?
>The instructions on these two pages do not work for me:

Been there recently.

After installing the .Net SQLite package*, I simply created a new
VB.Net Form project, added a reference to the DLL (Project > Add
Reference), and typed some test code, eg.



 * there are fundamentaly three of them at their new home
(http://system.data.sqlite.org/). As I didn't get an answer as to when
I would need the setup packages  ("intended to be installed only on
developer machines and then only when the design-time components for
Visual Studio are required"), I downloaded and unzipped the one that
seems recommended for most users, which is the Precompiled Binaries +
no-bundle "sqlite-netFx20-static-binary-Win32-2005-".

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