On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Alan Frankel <alan.fran...@mathworks.com>wrote:

> ...Why is the Mac 30 times slower than Linux? They're both on the same
> network, accessing the same network drive location, so neither has the
> advantage of local disk access.

i'm speculating, but i have seen (on Linux) similarly drastic differences
when trying to use file locking on files on an NFS-mounted home directory.
Perhaps (again, speculating) such locking is being done on your Mac
installation but not your Linux installation?

That said: using a _shared_ sqlite db instance on a network share (you
don't mention if your DB is shared, only that you are using a networked
drive) is one of the cardinal no-no's, known to be problematic for reasons
far outside of sqlite's ability to deal with:

----- stephan beal
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