In the other area of the program I have a transaction that does 5 or 6
inserts and no selects.
This transaction works fine as I just verified.

Now in the failing case the flow goes like this:

First the program updates couple of tables, then it inserts this particular
This algorithm is going thru the loop of the players vector.
I'm using the same handle and the same statement object. Only different

After every query I'm calling sqlite3_finalize() to free the memory and the
statement object.

Am I doing it wrong?

Thank you.

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 27 Apr 2013, at 8:05am, Igor Korot <> wrote:
> > No. Using straight insert with values does not work.
> > Record still not inserted.
> Okay, so you now don't have to worry about parameters, or a sub-select or
> any of those things.  What you have identified is that a simple INSERT with
> all values supplied returns SQLITE_OK but doesn't insert a record.
> Make up a simpler TABLE and try inserting into that one.  A table with one
> INTEGER column ?  In fact, see if you can get any INSERT command working at
> all, then work your way up to one that doesn't work and see if you can find
> the thing that makes the INSERT stops working.
> Simon.
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