On 6/6/2013 11:26 AM, Gabriel Corneanu wrote:
Again sorry for count(a), I wrote too fast. I understand of course about
null values.

Otherwise by rowid I mean the autogenerated primary key. In my actual
case, I have a field as alias.

CREATE TABLE t(id integer primary key, a);
explain query plan select count(*) from t -> scan table

create index ia on t(id);
explain query plan select count(*) from t -> SCAN TABLE t USING COVERING

1. It means, the primary key is not as good as a cover index??

Again - there was *no* separate index until you explicitly created one. Another way to look at it is that the table as a whole *is* in fact a covering index for itself, ordered by rowid and covering all the fields in the table. In this view, "scan table" is just a shorthand for "scan table using covering index which is the table itself".

If you need this count real fast for some reason, then create a separate table, with one column and one row, that would store the count. Then create INSERT and DELETE triggers that would maintain the count.
Igor Tandetnik

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