This is not at all my case ...

I don't obviously write 1 by 1, but using blocks of data ( array of struct ), virtual tables wrappers, and "insert ... select". This way I can achieve >200k rec/s, or at least 100k when having some more fields. Right now I'm completely CPU bound, it's 100% load at high rate. IO is almost out of question, at <10MB /s; and I use 8k page size and of course synchronous off, wal mode... Another type of data (less fields but with a blob inside 2-32kB) easily reaches ~40MB/s but only a few thousands rec/s. The performance drops abruptly when having more fields (I don't remember the magic threshold); it seems most of the load is needed for field coding ? I use only integers for space optimization (varint); this is also good as I have high dynamic range.

Multi-core sure helps to have enough CPU power for the rest (hardware connection, pre-processing, etc).

I would definitely like to be able to get more performance, but I can live with the current numbers. One can use some high-end CPUs if really wants such high rates (the hardware around costs ~100x more :) ). BTW I asked a few times already, is it possible to get/compile a windows dll for sqlite4 (just for evaluation)?
Last time I checked, it didn't compile on windows at all.


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