Thanks Simon - i'll have a play. tomorrow

On 4 July 2013 22:52, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 4 Jul 2013, at 10:29pm, Paul Sanderson <>
> wrote:
> > create table lookup (index int, start int end int)
> I assume you missed a comma:
> create table lookup (index int, start int, end int)
> But actually it’s a bad idea to use the words 'index' and 'end’ for
> columns because they're used as reserved words in SQL.  So try something
> like
> create table lookup (rowindex int, rangestart int, rangeend int)
> > The takle will be joined on a second table via the index column
> >
> > the table is likely to have a few million rows and I will be doing many
> > thousands of lookups consequtively. My current lookups are of the form
> >
> > select * from master as m, lookup as l where x >= start and and x < end
> and
> > m.index = l.index
> Presumably
> select * from master as m, lookup as l where m.x >= l.rangestart and m.x <
> l.rangeend and m.rowindex = l.rowindex
> > i sthere an efficient way of doing this - 30,000 lookups on two table
> seach
> > with about 1 million rows is taking about 30 minutes.
> >
> > Can I structure my lookup table differently?
> Don’t do a * unless you actually need * of both tables.  List the columns
> you are actually going to use.
> > would indexes help in anyway?
> SELECT * FROM master AS l JOIN lookup AS l ON master.rowindex =
> lookup.rowindex WHERE m.x >= l.rangestart AND m.x < l.rangeend
> Good indexes for that would be
> CREATE INDEX masterRX ON master (rowindex, x)
> CREATE INDEX lookupRR ON lookup (rowindex, rangestart)
> You can speed things up even more by doing an ANALYSE once you have data
> in the tables.  This lets SQLite figure out that your lookup table is huge
> and tune its query plans accordingly.
> Simon.
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