On 16.08.2013 18:03, Gary Weaver wrote:
Thanks to you and Richard for the links and info. Concurrency is not outlandish 
to expect, especially when it works in OS X and just not in the Ubuntu vm in 
Travis, but I now understand that these are expected problems.

You're right concurrency is not outlandish but from the viewpoint of sqlite it was therefore this answer and the link.

On the other side most database systems also use serialized access to the underlying filesystem while always exclusivly locking the whole file, disk aso. The magic behind concurrently accessing the database in those systems is to provide a client/server level where only the server process has real access to the underlying physical storage while the clients only have concurrent access to the server as a process. The fact that most filesystem implementations especialy the network file protocols are buggy and locking methods on OS es have those many problems is proof enough that you need a client server modell if you really want to support concurrent access. Sqlite on the other side is for most applications a database engine library and an appreciated way to access large amounts of data in a flexible way.

Concurrency is not outlandish but I for myself prefer that sqlite is a simple library which at least assures that many applications trying to access the same file can do this in a serialized way without corrupting the file. And thats not a simple thing to achieve and get freely.

If you are interested on client server protocols wrapped around sqlite there are a few and even contributed on the website.

It was not my intention to blame your statement but it was surprising to hear it for sqlite.

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