On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 20:26:30 +0100
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> My problem is not with COLLATE in general.  It's with expressions.
> Table definitions are fine.  Index definitions are fine.  It's purely
> that my understanding of the documention says that something like this

(I don't understand what that syntax is supposed to mean.  AFAIK, the
only operands to COLLATE are BINARY, NOCASE, and RTRIM.) 

> should be allowed, and I don't agree.

You're quite right to say that collation is property of the comparison,
not the data.  It's obvious from very fact that the same data can be
compared in different ways.  

A column's collation in CREATE TABLE is a property of the column, not
of the data.  That is, it's a property of the data *type*, the domain
to which the values in the column belong.  It informs the system how to
compare two values in the *same* column.  

The question arises: how to compare two columns with different
collations?  Because they're drawn from different domains -- per the
column defintions -- they have different types.  To compare two
different types requires conversion.  That conversion may be implicit
or explicit.  (And it many fail; some types are incommensuate.)  

The question then becomes whether to require explicit conversion and,
if so, what syntax would be clearest.  I think you'd say, and I agree,
that implicit conversion isn't attractive because any choice would be
idiosyncratic, and such choices are traps for the unwary.  

Regarding syntax, the current situation is less than idea.  I tried the
OP's query and got different results:

SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
sqlite> create table t(x);
sqlite> insert into t values('a');
sqlite> insert into t values('A');
sqlite> select * from t where x collate nocase between 'a' and 'b';

Just for giggles, I tried another variation: 

sqlite> select * from t where x between 'a' and 'b' collate nocase;

The COLLATE operator is the sole postfix operator in SQLite's SQL, and
weird because it appears late but binds early.  I would suggest
instead it mimic or become part of CAST, or become its own operator.
For example:

1.      where COLLATE( x AS NOCASE )
                between COLLATE( 'a' AS NOCASE )
                and COLLATE( 'b' AS NOCASE )

Making it part of CAST emphasizes the fact that we're dealing in types:

2.      where CAST( x as COLLATE NOCASE ) 
                between CASE( 'a' AS COLLATE NOCASE )
                and CASE( 'b' AS COLLATE NOCASE )
But isn't this clearer in any case (no pun intended)? 

3.      where upper(x) between 'A' and 'B'

which suggests that each collation could become an operator in its own

4.      where NOCASE(x) between NOCASE('a') and NOCASE('b')

because it allows for future expansion as more collations are added. 


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