On 22 Aug 2013, at 2:55am, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:

> Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> My problem is not with COLLATE in general.  It's with expressions.
>> Table definitions are fine.  Index definitions are fine.  It's purely
>> that my understanding of the documention says that something like this
> (I don't understand what that syntax is supposed to mean.

Good.  Because it's nonsense.  What it implies is that COLLAGE is a unary 
postfix operator that assigns a collating sequence to an expression.  In other 
words that "ABC" is an expression, and you can assign a collation to it, and 
that "3F" is another expression and you can assign a different collation to 
that, and that having done so that testing to see whether they equal one 
another makes some kind of sense.  Which it obviously doesn't.

Yet the above syntax is what the documentation for 'expr' says should be 
allowed.  Simpler still, it implies that


means something.  It doesn't.  Collation in SQLite makes sense only when you 
compare two things.  That's how the function works: you have to feed it two 
values, you can't call it with just one.

> AFAIK, the
> only operands to COLLATE are BINARY, NOCASE, and RTRIM.) 
>> should be allowed, and I don't agree.
> You're quite right to say that collation is property of the comparison,
> not the data.  It's obvious from very fact that the same data can be
> compared in different ways.  
> A column's collation in CREATE TABLE is a property of the column, not
> of the data.  That is, it's a property of the data *type*, the domain
> to which the values in the column belong.  It informs the system how to
> compare two values in the *same* column.  
> The question arises: how to compare two columns with different
> collations?  Because they're drawn from different domains -- per the
> column defintions -- they have different types.  To compare two
> different types requires conversion.  That conversion may be implicit
> or explicit.  (And it many fail; some types are incommensuate.)

I feel that this is even more proof that collation type is not a property of a 
value.  Trying to figure out the consequences of a value having inherent 
collation leads to the sort of problem you describe. 

> The COLLATE operator is the sole postfix operator in SQLite's SQL, and
> weird because it appears late but binds early.  I would suggest
> instead it mimic or become part of CAST, or become its own operator.
> For example:
> 1.    where COLLATE( x AS NOCASE )
>               between COLLATE( 'a' AS NOCASE )
>               and COLLATE( 'b' AS NOCASE )

Again, you are trying to apply a collation to a value.  And because BETWEEN 
takes three operands you are being given the opportunity to apply three 
collations for one condition.  Which is nonsense.  So the syntax shouldn't 
allow it or even suggest it would work.  You should be casting the 'BETWEEN', 
not the operands you're supplying to it.

One problem is that your example uses a collation which can be neatly expressed 
as a unary function call.  This is a legitimate collation but it's too simple 
to force you to think the problem through.  Consider instead the following 

Collation 'muchStronger':
        If a = b return 0, else ...
        If b is 'the hulk' return -1, else ...
        If a is 'the hulk' return 1, else ...
        return 0

(translation: people are roughly as strong as one-another, except for The Hulk 
who is stronger than everyone except himself)

This is a legitimate collation under SQLite rules, but you cannot apply it 
without knowing both of the values.  It is a better example than NOCASE for 
thinking about the problem as long as you don't turn it into a unary function.

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