> If I understand the question, and there is no key other than the 
> auto-incrementing
> integer, there might not be a good way.  It sounds like the database's design 
> may
> have painted you into a corner.  

Hi James,
Well, after inserting one row into table A which looks like (without specifying 
the id
and letting it auto generate):

CREATE TABLE table_a ( 
    val    VARCHAR COLLATE "nocase" NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ( id ) 

(forgive that odd looking format, its SQLAlchemy output...)

I have for example 20 rows in table B to insert referencing the above:

CREATE TABLE table_b ( 
    val VARCHAR COLLATE "nocase",
    key VARCHAR COLLATE "nocase" NOT NULL,
    id   INTEGER,
    seqno   INTEGER NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ( seqno ),
    FOREIGN KEY ( id ) REFERENCES table_a ( id ) 

So selecting last_insert_rowid() always gives me the 'id' of the previous row 
from table_a
after an insert. So I would insert into table_a, get that rowid, and build the 
remaining 20
inserts. For the sake of keeping the entire sql statement manageable, I was 
hoping not to
build the next 20 statements based on SELECT id FROM table_a WHERE val='xxx' as 
that string
will be very long.

So this works for one insert:

INSERT INTO table_a (val) VALUES ('xxxxxx');
INSERT INTO table_b (id, key, val)
       SELECT last_insert_rowid(), 'yyy', 'zzz';

Just not sure how to perform 20 or 30 of those inserts into table_b after the 
one into table_a
yields the id value I need.

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