On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:30 AM, john white <drufus2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> An example would be: "C:\TV\" which should now be '/TV/".  Even better
> would
> be to change all the "\" to "/" and then just delete the leading "C:".

The first solution i would try (thought possibly not the best solution!)
would be adding a custom user function which does such rewriting for me,

select mangle_filename(foo) from bar...

where mangle_filename would:

a) if string[1]==':', skip first 2 bytes, or replace with /C/..., or
b) replace \ with / globally
c) return the adjusted string.

or some such. This can be done without touching your core app code, only
the display code and related queries.

(That said - i would have normalized to Unix paths in the first place
because that's my primary environment ;)

----- stephan beal
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