On 15 Sep 2013, at 11:30pm, john white <drufus2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Oh, there is a location column with this
> information.  I can do them, one at a time, but that is going to take a LOT
> of time.  I was hoping there would be a way to select them all and then
> simply do a find and replace thing.  
> An example would be: "C:\TV\" which should now be '/TV/".  Even better would
> be to change all the "\" to "/" and then just delete the leading "C:".  

Use the SQLite shell tool for one of your platforms, or perhaps write your own 
program to open the databases and execute these two lines.

UPDATE myTable SET location = replace(location, '\', '/')
UPDATE myTable SET location = replace(location, 'C:', '')

While you're doing that, you might think hard about what'll happen if you ever 
need to use the same database on multiple platforms.  While you're designing 
the changes it might be worth making two different columns, one for the 
location under Windows, and the other for the location under Linux.

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