On 20 Oct 2013, at 4:09pm, Bogdan Ureche <bogdan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried without success to reproduce this scenario.
> create table t1(c);
> create temporary trigger tr1 after insert on t1 begin select raise(abort,
> 'error'); end;
> insert into t1(c) values(1); -- error is raised here
> drop table t1;
> create table t1(c);
> insert into t1(c) values(1); -- no error here
> It seems that, when the table dies, it takes the associated trigger down
> with it.

Not that table.  The other table.  Suppose you had a trigger on table t1 which 
inserted a row into t2.  Then you can DROP and reCREATE t2 while the trigger 

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