We are facing performance regression on queries over r_tree tables with any new 
3.8.X sqlite version and we are sure it is connected with new versions of 
sqlite especially with new query planner and r_tree module.
We have distincted by now two bugs:

First one:
We are convienced that new version of sqlite query planner does not utilize 
queries with joins over r_tree tables in the way the r_tree module is intended 
I will try to prove it on this example:

we have table T of nodes with their 2-D coordinates(X,Y) and R_tree virtual 
table R_TREE of 2-D bounding rectangles (MIN_X/Y,MIN_X/Y)
we want to select for every node from T its boung rectangles it lies in from 
we do it by running this statement:
select *  from T
join R_TREE on
  T.X  >= R_TREE.MIN_X  and
  T.X <= R_TREE.MAX_X and
 T.Y  >= R_TREE.MIN_Y  and

Explain query plan of such query returns different results in 3.7.X versions 
and 3.8.X  and we think that this difference is responsible for huge 
performance drops on such queries(actually our performance drops are very 
costly from minutes to days of execution times on large tables)

3.7.X explain query plan result:
ORDER                 DETAIL
1.                            SCAN TABLE T USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (~1000000 
2.                            SCAN TABLE R_TREE VIRTUAL TABLE INDEX 2:BaDbBc 
(~0 rows)

word interpretation : For all nodes find all rectangles where node lies in 

3.8.X explain query plan results:
ORDER                 DETAIL
1.                            SCAN TABLE R_TREE VIRTUAL TABLE INDEX 2:
2.                            SCAN TABLE T

word interpretation: For all rectangles find nodes where node lies in 

Actually our and everybody‘s intention using r_tree in similiar way, is to have 
3.7.X plan.

According to documentation of r_tree module
“R*Tree index is used to narrow a search down to a list of candidate objects 
and then more detailed and expensive computations are done on each candidate to 
find if the candidate truly meets the search criteria.“(source: 
http://www.sqlite.org/rtree.html )

This example is the case where sqlite 3.8.X query plan scans r_tree before any 
criteria could have been chosen.  What is in conflict with documentation 
citation and makes R_tree module unusable efficiently. Can this be fixed to 
make r-tree module usable efficiently like in prior sqlite versions?

Second one:
Cross join has no effect on query plan on join over r_tree.

In previous example when used with cross join instead of join , has no effect 
on plan in contrast to cross join on common(not virtual) table. There must be 
some bug whether in documentation(not mentioning that cross join has no effect 
over r_tree tables) or in implementation of cross join functionality in query 
planning. Can this be fixed too?

Thank you for any reply.
Best regards
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