On 11 Nov 2013 at 15:36, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote: 

> On 11 Nov 2013, at 2:01pm, L. Wood <lwoo...@live.com> wrote:
>> * A user could move the file during a transaction, i.e., between
>> _prepare_v2(); and _finalize();
>> It seems that SQLite needs support for this situation. Would you agree?
>> If so, the question is how. Maybe through callback functions requesting an
>> updated directory when needed? Or by internally following the changed path of
>> the main database file instead of storing it in memory at the outset?
>> Until then, I guess I just have to live with the risk of either an error or
>> data corruption when a user moves a document (a package).
> First, a user has to be pretty into Macs to even know where to find data files
> for a sandboxed app, and how to delete/move them.  It's really not easy.
> Second, every other kind of data file from every other database has the same
> problem.  Even if you were keeping your database in a text file, someone could
> still move that text file while your app had it open, meaning that the next
> time your app was run it would say it had no data at all.
> As for your remedy, yes I agree that OS X's ability to notify your app when
> one of its files is moved is pretty neat.  But Mac users are a tiny minority
> of the billions of installations of SQLite and such a feature isn't important
> enough to put in a 'lite' database.  And also, what do you expect SQLite to do
> if it notes such a movement ?  Return an error message ?  It already does
> that.
> Besides which, you can write it yourself externally to SQLite: use FSEvent on
> the folder your database is in checking for
> kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved, and act accordingly.  No need to put that
> facility inside SQLite.  If you get it working neatly, it could be released
> for the Mac/SQLite community at large.  Personally, I agree with Stephen: if
> my users want to mess with my app's data files they deserve everything they
> get.

My app is not designed as an OS X package and the user's files (SQLite 
databases) are visible to the user. In fact the user might want to move the 
whole app (including the user's files) elsewhere in the file system (such as 
onto a memory stick so they can work with it on another machine). However, the 
user is expected to quit the app while doing this.

It's unclear if the OP wants to do this or expects to be able to move the whole 
lot while the app is running, which is not something I'd expect to be able to 
do. My app just notes where in the file system it is when it starts and uses 
that to build paths when opening databases.

Cheers  --  Tim
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