**kind of off topic**

@Tim> I'm no where near in thinking that it should be SOP.

I'm somewhat appreciative of not being allowed to change the "file
containers" visual representation a file while something has its fingers on
it.  Just as I tell my kids, "if you make the mess, you clean it up.  Don't
wait until I step on something, because I'll get very mad at both of you".
I'm a strong believer that it should be the programs responsibility to
clean up after itself.  If something crashes, I want to leave remnants
behind to maybe assist in find out what happened.  How irritating is it
when drive space runs out, programs crash out, drive space frees up, and
you're scratching your head wondering what the problem was?

Windows has its moments where a small irritation can happen concerning file
locking, don't get me wrong, but its more irritating to see something
happening with no easy visual trace of what is going on.  Sure, the Unix
methodology of basing IO transactions off an INode has its advantages, such
as easy-and-thoughtless temp file clean up, absolutely a neat trick, but
I've seen a few times when a rogue program is filling up drive space at the
high MB/Sec rate, and I'm in a rush to try and find out what program is
doing this.  I'll see the disk free size drop fast, but come no closer to
figuring out what is causing the problem.  CPU use doesn't give any major
indication to what is going on as CPU bandwidth > Disk IO bandwidth, and
iostat isn't always installed on every platform, or even give me enough
information to find what the cause is, etc. I'm on the bandwagon that if a
program is actively doing something with a file, then I want to be able to
see that files exact status at that time, trace the program and correct the
problem, not go on a witch hunt and guess what the problem is.

I work on the development side of things, support side of things, and
diagnosing side of things.  I won't say I've seen it all, but what I have
seen has shown me that the more information I can get my hands on, I can
take an instant "snapshot" of the environment in my head, and will get the
RCA done much MUCH faster.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Tim Streater <t...@clothears.org.uk> wrote:

> On 12 Nov 2013 at 13:49, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> > Doesn't matter because OS X is, at heart, Unix.  Unix is a bit weird in
> that
> > it allows you to move and delete a file which is open.
> I wouldn't describe this as weird, it should be SOP for an OS, IMO. It's
> (one) of the things that irritates me about Windows.
> --
> Cheers  --  Tim
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