On 27 Dec 2013, at 7:55am, David de Regt <dav...@mylollc.com> wrote:

> What I don't like is how often #3 requests gets shot down as being stupid.  
> Yes, often a feature request doesn't really fit with the general mantra of 
> SQLite, and it can be easily described as such.  However, many things are in 
> a pretty grey area.  For example, CTEs would fit fairly nicely with the 
> general mantra of SQLite, since it allows for making things 
> smaller/simpler/more explicit for the QO, but it's being shot down as a 
> non-useful feature that can be worked around.

I'm not sure that's so.  I think it's useful.  It's being shot down as

* providing only functionality that is already available
* requiring lots of work on development and testing
* increasing the size of the SQLite source code and compiled code

The greatest of these is the third one.  If you need caching, lots of 
concurrent multi-access, or a user/password/permission model, there are better 
SQL engines out there.  But SQLite's major advantages over anything else are 
that it is tiny and runs on a huge number of platforms.  Removing the 'lite' 
kills 50% of the reasons anyone has to use SQLite.  Hence the resistance to 
adding things, and the eagerness to remove things.  Remember, most of the 
billions of installations of SQLite are not on desktop computers which have 
plenty of space, they're on SatNav units or mobile phones where bytes are short 
and every milliwatt-hour counts.

CTEs are useful for certain features of SQLite.  They speed up stored 
procedures greatly and they're a good way of providing grouping by an aggregate 
function that depends on the order of rows.  But SQLite doesn't implement 
stored functions, and doesn't have a concept of row order, so CTEs are useless 
for building on them.  However, you mention is a case where CTEs would be 

> Well, can it?  Or does sqlite perform the subselect multiple times if you 
> mention the same query a couple different times in subtly different ways 
> (case sensitive, etc.)?

This is, I think, the only advantage that CTEs would give.  I suspect they'd 
provide optimised results in cases where the same temporary result was used in 
multiple ways within a command.  Though the second part of your sentence would 
remove that advantage: if there are differences in result (case sensitive, 
etc.) then the 'WITH' would have to be executed multiple times, just like a 
sub-SELECT does.

> There are important nuances here before completely dismissing something out 
> of hand.

Not being dismissed out of hand.  The only person who can do that here is 
Doctor Hipp, and that's because he's the boss of SQLite.  Posts from anyone 
else are just personal opinions.

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