I agree with David, CTE is just wonderful, a big help to avoid re-typing
many times the same sub-query and a performance improvement as well. Yes we
can workaround it but it is ugly and leads to un-maintainable code. I am
using it every days in my job and I can just tell that it has been proven
to be really useful.

... as well as merge ...

Yes I also have the feeling that you are ditching all new SQL feature
requests, saying that it is useless because it can be done in another way.
At least I would have liked to see a little interest and understanding on
how it could be useful to developers (us!).

I know SQLite is lite, but it should look forward to the SQL 2003,
developers are using all 2003 features in their daily job (oracle or sql
server), we would like to see it as well (not all but a part of it, even
with some limitations) in our sqlite wonderful app or scripts.

Best regards,
sqlite-users mailing list

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