On Jan 1, 2014, at 10:55 PM, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:

>> CTE ... bring capabilities to the users, by simplifying
>> the use of the underlying tool.
> CTEs would add complexity, not simplify.  

Nonsense, dear Sir :)

Yes, a ‘with’ clause is just syntax sugar providing named subqueries. But this 
sugar open the door to drastically different ways to write queries, bringing 
structure, clarity of thoughts and purpose to otherwise labyrinthine 

Think about ‘with’ clause as modern SQL syntax, in the same way as ANSI join 
syntax brings clarity of purpose to what otherwise would be a shambles of 
cross-purpose ‘where’ clauses.

In short, a bit of syntactical sugar can do wonders for one’s diet :D

Oh, and, also… Happy New Year! :)

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