On 2014/01/05 00:03, Petite Abeille wrote:
Things change. Syntax evolves. Languages matures, even SQL. The ‘with’ clause is a change for the better. As is merge. As are windowing functions. SQLite cannot pretend it’s 1986 forever. It has to move with the times or it will become ossified, obsolete, a mummy.

But of course, things evolve and SQLite (like any other system) needs to keep up with times! This is however much the same as telling somebody that they must breathe else they will slowly lose oxygen and suffocate. I think in America the term "Captain Obvious" is used for the author of such a statement.

To be clear: the statement is overly obvious and does nothing to aid the point - we are not disagreeing about the need to evolve, we both (along with many other distinguished members of this list) feel that it should evolve - AND I am happy to report that it is evolving as is evidenced by the regular updates and releases and oft-added functionality. Changes must be planned and reasonable though.

The point of contention is _how_ it should evolve, not _whether_ it should evolve - so your statement urging to push forward is a moot point - things _are_ moving forward and are changing almost daily, whether you like it or not, even though it may not move in the format and time-step you envisioned. (I am quite sure you already know all this and merely appealed to the general wisdom of "change is good" to try and support your unrelated point, so please forgive my dissertation).

Lastly, a small digression: I put it to you that if SQLite stops evolving completely today, and stays as is (with exception of bug-fixes), it will STILL last longer as the DB of choice for 90% of current implementations long after you and I have met our demise. If you do not agree on this point you may have no real idea of the actual width of implementation of SQLite3. It is this same width of implementation that makes us disagree on what should be added and what not. I will forgo another iteration on my POV as I think James K.L. made it very clear already.

May you (and all other list members of course) have an awesome 2014!

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