Klaas V wrote:
> Clemens wrote:
>>  $ sqlite3
>>  SQLite version 3.8.3 2014-01-11 12:52:25
>>  Enter ".help" for instructions
>>  Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
>>  sqlite> .header on
>>  sqlite> values(1);
>>  (null)
>>  1
>>  sqlite> .mode html
>>  sqlite> values(1);
>>  Segmentation fault
> One runs the risk stumbling upon obscure bugs sing what seems to be a beta.
> Aforementioned becomes almost certain when one uses new features.

Indeed.  This is why I was playing with VALUES.

>>  And I guess NULL should not be returned in the first place if there is no 
>> error.
> Since you did not provide a column name returning (null) is quite logical.

"(null)" is just what fprintf outputs for a NULL string.

And a NULL column name is considered a bug:

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