On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> However, you also mention that your app generates its own commands.
>  Unless you can predict things about these commands ("90% of the time users
> are going to want to sort by date") you're not in a good place to figure
> out what indexes are good.  One solution in this is to add a routine to
> your app to log any SQL commands it makes up, and how long the command
> takes to execute: create a log table with a text column a numeric column.
>  You can look at the results at your leisure and try to improve on any
> command that takes more than 5 seconds, or any command which is used a lot.

I've not done anything to 'generate' a SQL statement, but I can see the use
of this just as a debugging tool to figure out why something is taking so
long.  I might just implement that in the wrapper I use and test for DEBUG
or RELEASE modes.
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