On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 00:43:40 +0200, Alek Paunov wrote:
Just in case if Alessandro Furieri do not follow the list closely

Hi Alek,

I can simply add few more details to your already excellent
SpatiaLite is a loadable extension adding standard Spatial SQL
capabilities to the SQLite's basic core.
It's almost conformant to OGC-SFS [1] and ISO SQL/MM-Spatial
international standards for Spatial DBMSes and Spatial SQL;
roughly speaking it offers a sound and powerful light-weight
alternative to the much more complex PostgreSQL/PostGIS
client-server Spatial DBMS.
It's certainly interesting to note that SpatiaLite has
been successfully ported on Android and other mobile
or embedded devices.

directly included in SpatiaLite are several Virtual Tables
implementing the following features:
- VirtualText: direct read access by SQL to external CSV
  and structured text files
- VirtualDbf: direct read access by SQL to external DBF files
- VirtualXls: direct read access by SQL to external MS XLS
  spreadsheets (old Excel binary format)
- VirtualShape: direct read access by SQL to external ESRI
  Shapefiles (the de facto standard exchange format for
  Geographic vector data)
- VirtualSpatialIndex: full fledged Spatial Index support
  based on R*Trees
- VirtualNetwork: pure SQL Routing based on a road
  network (aka graph) [Dijkstra's Shortest Path]
- VirtualXPath: standard XML Path Language

a further self-standing loadable extension closely related to
SpatiaLite is VirtualPG, allowing to establish a client
connection to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS server and then supporting
direct data exchange between the two DBMSes by standard SQL

both SpatiaLite and VirtualPG are released under the MPL
"tri-licence"; you can freely choose you best fit license
between the GPL, LGPL or the MPL itself.

bye Sandro

[1] http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=25355

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