Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> Only SQL Server don't follow this line for what i know, and because of 
> that i abandon it in favor of SQlite (as file system database) and 
> PostgreSQL.

Well, the SQL Server provider is included with the .NET Framework itself
and I assume that they know how to properly implement their own database
access interfaces.

> Tell me please because i'm not sure to had understand.... in next 
> version could i check dati.hasrows and have to return TRUE value also 
> after data association or have i to combine the use with StepCount 
> properties ?

No, for several reasons:

1. It would not be a backward compatible change.

2. It would not be compatible with several other ADO.NET providers
   (e.g. SQL Server).

3. The IDataReader.Read() method return value can be used instead (see
   example below) and has the additional benefit of being more widely
   available since it is required on any class that implements the
   IDataReader interface, not just those derived from the DbDataReader
   abstract class.

        bool hasRows = false;

        do {
                if (dataReader.Read()) {
                        hasRows = true;
                        // process this row...
                } else {
                        // no more rows.
        } while (true);

        if (hasRows) {
                // more code here...

Joe Mistachkin

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