
On working with the MyJSQLView database GUI access tool it
has been determined that a local file/memory database would
be valuable to perform recurring analysis on datasets from
the connected datasource. Sqlite is being considered as the
local database.

All the underlining code has been created for conversion
between datasource and local database. The code is now being
developed to perform the DB to DB transfer population. The
basic algorithm being considered is:

Process 1, Loop: 1,2,3
1. Read Datasource row from query.
2. Create SQL INSERT statement.
3. Write SQL INSERT into queue.

Process 2, Loop: 4,5
4. Read SQL INSERT from queue.
5. Write SQL INSERT to SQLite db.}

Perhaps someone from this forum could possibly comment on
another open source project with similar type of db to db
transfer that could be studied or alternative algorithm.


Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Open Source Project Manager.

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