On 4/4/2014 1:21 PM, da...@dandymadeproductions.com wrote:
On working with the MyJSQLView database GUI access tool it has been
determined that a local file/memory database would be valuable to
perform recurring analysis on datasets from the connected datasource.
Sqlite is being considered as the local database.

If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting making a local snapshot
of a networked database to optimize performance.  I'm not sure what
remote database you're using, but it seems to me with properly designed
prepared statements there won't be much gain in downloading everything
in advance to the local machine, especially since the download will
certainly include more data than is actually needed.  Additionally
consider the loss of coherency when the upstream database is modified
but the local snapshot becomes stale.

All the underlining code has been created for conversion between
datasource and local database. The code is now being developed to
perform the DB to DB transfer population. The basic algorithm being
considered is:

Process 1, Loop: 1,2,3
1. Read Datasource row from query.
2. Create SQL INSERT statement.
3. Write SQL INSERT into queue.

Process 2, Loop: 4,5
4. Read SQL INSERT from queue.
5. Write SQL INSERT to SQLite db.}

The queue seems to be an unnecessary intermediary.  Simply alternate
between reading from the remote database and writing the received data
to the SQLite database.  This simpler design is also more amenable to
prepared statements which offer indispensible performance and security

Do keep in mind that an SQL database consists not only of INSERTs (the
data) but also CREATE TABLEs (the schema) plus indexes and triggers and

Perhaps someone from this forum could possibly comment on another open
source project with similar type of db to db transfer that could be
studied or alternative algorithm.

It doesn't matter what database you use, the algorithm remains the same:
read source, write destination, repeat.  Many database systems have
convenient import routines for common data sources.  For example, the
SQLite shell has the .import command for loading a file into a table.

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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